Tale of Doris & the Dragon EP1


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The Tale of Doris and the Dragon is an episodic, point-and-click adventure game series featuring an elderly lady named Doris who finds herself in Purgatory after passing away on earth. On her journey, Doris meets many weird and wonderful characters that help or try to hinder her progress. Out of this, an unlikely friendship emerges. Visit www.dorisandthedragon.com for more information about the game!
Key Features
A RETRO, PIXEL-ART GAME which reminds you of those 90s graphic adventure classics that you couldn’t forget if you tried.
A POINT AND CLICK ADVENTURE is a game genre that emphasises puzzle solving and quirky narrative. The minimalist nature of the interface allows the player to simply ‘point and click’ to explore the world.
FULLY VOICE-ACTED game; starring Ben Simpson and Jamie Wood
CREATED BY AN INDEPENDENT COMPANY which means that we 100% self-publish, self-fund our project and in-house all of our production
MUSIC AND SOUND DESIGN has been important to us in every game that we have created together. The Tale of Doris and the Dragon is no exception, with a haunting soundtrack by AssadB; foley and sound design by Ryan Callard.
Feel free to reach out to us by e-mail or social media channels
Keep up to date with all things Doris!
WEBSITE: http://www.dorisandthedragon.com/ FACEBOOK : http://www.facebook.com/arrogantpixel INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/arrogant.pixel/ TWITTER : http://www.twitter.com/arrogantpixel WEBSITE : http://www.arrogantpixel.com INDIEDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/the-tale-of-doris-and-the-dragon-ep-1